Keanu’s search for Olivia Ong (Special Popping Tribute)

14 06 2013

From the video description:

Hello everyone, this video is something that I would like to share with everyone who knows Keanu well. He came down to visit me in Singapore on the 5th of June 2013. We only had a short few days together but in that time we did heaps. (Tourist stuff, Performed in Koutei Sennin Showcase, Koutei Sennin Workshop, Original Gangstas Popping Competition etc etc)

Anyways, this is something Keanu has always told me about and I hope through this video Olivia Ong will know that there is a very Big Fan waiting for her down in Australia.


13 12 2012

Keanus FUNKtion battles !

11 04 2012






For more videos of Keanus FUNKtion visit –

Keanu’s FUNKtion – 1on1 Popping and 1on1 Locking Battle Sat 7th April 12′

14 03 2012

Keanu’s turn. Now you know things are going to get crazy!

1on1 popping judged by Keanu Wardana
Keanu’s music selection
Keanu’s special rules.

Get ready for the unexpected.

$5 Entry for Battlers
Audience Free!

4:00 Battle Start
5:00 Audience Entry

Grow the Scene, Enjoy Dance, Be The Best!